Distance from Kerch to the shore. Distance from Kerch to the village Beregovoye Kerch - Beregovoye

According to the data obtained, the distance between the cities of Kerch Beregovoe is:
  • Fast option ─ 1550 km
  • Short route ─ 1550 km
By clicking on the “fast path” or “short path” button we can see that the Kerch Beregovoe highway passes through cities such as:. You can see these settlements by increasing the image scale (scrolling the mouse wheel).

How many km from Kerch to Beregovoe

The short road Kerch Beregovoe differs from the “fast” road in several sections that are visible on the map.
Route from Kerch to Beregovoe
The route from Kerch to Beregovoye is shown on the interactive map located under the calculation form. The letter “A” denotes the city of Kerch, “B” ─ Beregovoye. The route between the points of departure and destination is marked with a clear line.

The map of Kerch Beregovoe by car is extremely necessary on the road, so for ease of use it can be printed.

Driving time from Kerch to Beregovoye determined by the service

  • by car 23 hours 06 minutes
  • by cargo ─ 27 hours 44 minutes.
Driving time and route from Kerch to Beregovoye
Anyone planning how to get to Beregovoe from Kerch should calculate the required amount of fuel:
  • when traveling by car: 155 l.
  • on a truck ─ 310 l.
To calculate fuel consumption for a passenger vehicle, the average consumption was taken to be 10 l/100 km, for a truck ─ 20 l/100 km. Please provide exact consumption information according to your car.

You set out to cover the distance from Kerch to the village of Chernomorskoye. Who among the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost? One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the starting point and the final destination of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between Kerch and Kerch. If the average speed of the vehicle is known, the travel time can be calculated with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question how many km are between Kerch and the village Beregovoe - 94 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 1 hour 49 minutes. Working with the map is very simple. The system itself will find the shortest distance and offer the OPTIMAL route. The route from Kerch to the village of Olenevka is shown in the diagram with a bold line. On the diagram you will see all the settlements that you will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list of settlements along the Kerch - Kerch highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you will be able to quickly navigate unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to go, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from Kerch to Kerch and knowing how to get through difficult junctions, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from Kerch to Kerch.

Panorama of Kerch and the village of Beregovoe

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for all complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the roads!

Most often, vacationers are interested in the distance and ways to get to the village of Beregovoe from Simferopol, Feodosia and Kerch.

Feodosia - Beregovoe

Distance – 6.3 km, if you count from the Aivazovskaya bus station in Feodosia to the center of the village. You can get there by shuttle buses, taxis, or your own car. . Even taking into account the summer congestion of the road, you can get there by minibus in 15-30 minutes.

View on map:

Kerch – Beregovoe

If you get there by bus, or by car via the ferry crossing, you will approach Beregovoy from the direction of Kerch. The distance from Kerch to Beregovoe is exactly 100 kilometers. It's about 2 hours drive.

View on map:

Simferopol - Beregovoye village

You will have to get from Simferopol if you arrived by plane. Distance – 130 km, about 2.5 hours drive.


  • Taxi. The best option for a family of 3-4 people. Depending on the class of car, such a trip can cost from 2.5 to 4 thousand rubles. Arrange in advance with the taxi service, do not catch a car at the airport - otherwise you risk overpaying several times. The trip will take 2-2.5 hours, depending on how busy the route is.
  • From the airport by trolleybus or minibus to the railway station (or bus station). The railway station is twice as close to the airport; the Kurortnaya bus station is located on its territory. In general, this option is cheaper if you are willing to first spend 30-40 minutes on the road from the airport to the bus station and buy tickets (in the summer you can wait an hour or two for the bus, this is not uncommon). Ticket price is about 200 rubles per person. Usually buses go to Feodosia. The whole epic with transfers will take about 4-5 hours(1 hour to arrive at the bus station and buy tickets, 15-30 minutes before the bus departs, 2.5 hours for the road).
  • By agreement with vacationers, transfers from Kerch, Simferopol, Feodosia are possible.

Distance between Beregovoye and Crimean cities.

Many vacationers love to ride around Crimea - many attractions for every taste contribute to this.

Beregovoe – Alupka 132 km
Beregovoe – Alushta 94 km
Beregovoe – Armyansk 183 km
Beregovoe – Bakhchisarai 131 km
Beregovoe – Belogorsk 68 km
Beregovoe – Dzhankoy 115 km

Beregovoe – Evpatoria 168 km
Beregovoe – Inkerman 154 km
Beregovoe – Kerch 100 km
Beregovoe – Krasnoperekopsk 168 km
Beregovoe – Saki 149 km
Beregovoe – Sevastopol 160 km

Beregovoe – Simferopol 109 km
Beregovoe – Old Crimea 29 km
Beregovoe – Sudak 45 km
Beregovoe – Shchelkino 61 km
Beregovoe – Yalta 120 km